Our Services




  • Taxation
  • budgeting
  • bookkeeping
  • management reporting
  • high level strategic advice
My-CFO is a Greek start-up aiming to provide SMEs with a best-in-class strategic finance function.

This is done by assisting clients with business planning, reporting on key business drivers and key insights on business performance. Working in day 2 day partnership with our clients, we allow them focus on their core capabilities to achieve their strategic targets. By engaging My-CFO to manage your finance function, you are free to focus your attention on the core competencies of your business, safe in the knowledge we are expertly and accurately managing all the financial elements. Our goal is to be the first-choice partner for SMEs considering additional financial expertise to enhance their competitive and strategic advantages.

Our Clients

Specialties include taxation, budgeting, bookkeeping, management reporting, high level strategic advice and access to a collective of industry partners and specialists.

Why To Choose My-CFO!

We are not accountants or a consulting firm. We are active and trusted business partners

We are not just advisors. We are implementers

We are flexible, work on site or remotely. Create a standard collaboration or work in specific projects

We can work with your existing team, accounting firm but we can also build, train and evolve a new team.




Talk of the Week

Ολόκληρο το Video από την παρουσίαση μου στο συνέδριο Business Finance in Action που διοργάνωσε η Boussias Communications με προσκεκλημένους αναγνωρισμένους Οικονομικούς Διευθυντές και ανώτατα οικονομικά στελέχη της Ελληνικής αγοράς. Στο πλαίσιο του διαμοιρασμού βέλτιστων πρακτικών με τη χρήση της τεχνολογίας, το θέμα της παρουσίασης, ήταν η αλλαγή και βελτιστοποίηση του συστήματος παραγγελιοληψίας του Ομίλου

Η εταιρεία My-CFO ξεκίνησε μια νέα ελπιδοφόρα συνεργασία με τις εταιρείες ψυκτικών εφαρμογών και εμπορίας ψυκτικών μηχανημάτων / ανταλλακτικών, EuroFreeze & GreenFrost αντίστοιχα τον Ιούνιο του 2021.     Η εταιρεία EuroFreeze, με έτος ίδρυσης το 2006, αναλαμβάνει την μελέτη, τον σχεδιασμό και την υλοποίηση των εγκαταστάσεων συντήρησης – ψύξης και βαθιάς κατάψυξης τροφίμων σε

Many startup leaders aim for growth first and foremost. Although they might like the idea of running a business according to a greater purpose, they regard that as a luxury they can ill afford. Achieving product-market fit is, as venture capitalist Marc Andreessen has claimed, “the only thing that matters” early on. Once they’ve established their businesses

Contact Us

To get more information for our services and capabilities please contact with an email or a live chat message.

Available 24/7 Support

+30 694 0825 946
+30 210 5133 550

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